The first celebrity name from the Ashley Madison hack has been outed, and it’s none other than family values champion and ‘reformed’ child molester Josh Duggar.
According to Gawker, Duggar paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions starting in February of 2013 and abruptly ending in May of 2015. is a website designed for people looking to have extramarital affairs.
During the time his account was active, Duggar was named executive director of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group that has championed the fight against gay rights and marriage equality in the name of “traditional family values.”
Records show that Duggar’s most recent subscription on the website ended in May of 2015 – right around the time his child molestation scandal first became national news.
On May 21st, Duggar wrote to his fans on his family’s Facebook page, assuring them that he’d since changed his ways:
Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life. I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.
His wife wrote a follow-up post and told their followers that she had long since forgiven her husband, saying Josh was “someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended.”
“I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis,” she added. “Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right.”
From Gawker:
But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggar gave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.
When Duggar opened his second account, he spent an extra $250 which was supposed to provide an “affair guarantee.”
Below are sexual interests Duggar listed on his profile according to the data released by hackers:
Here are some of his “turn-ons”:
We’ll update this story as more information becomes available.
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