Christian broadcaster: There’s never been a president as ‘sensitive’ to God as Trump is

During his Wednesday night broadcast of The MC Files, right-winger Chris McDonald, an avid supporter of President Trump and equally avid conspiracy theorist told “prophetess” Amanda Grace that God has allegedly been preparing Trump all throughout his life to lead the U.S. through the current COVID-19 pandemic.

“For such a time as this is why President Trump has been raised up into this position,” Grace said. “This type of leadership is needed, Okay? He may not have been wanted by a lot of the nation, but he is needed for this time, for this hour. This is the reason he has gone through everything he has gone through in his life. It all intersects at this point, right now. It is truly for such a time as this, and the Lord wasted nothing, and every experience that man had prepared him to do this work that is in this hour crucial.”

Grace also expressed confidence that Trump is the man to lead the nation through the crisis.

“It takes a brilliant mind to attempt to orchestrate all of this and lead a nation through an entire epidemic and crisis,” she told McDonald. “It takes a certain caliber of leadership, and the Lord saw ahead when the Lord caused an unprecedented election to happen.”

Grace then said Trump uses his private to talk to God (perhaps on Twitter, maybe?) and McDonald agreed.

“He’s got a prophetic mantle on him in the sense that he’s been called to a prophetic time,” McDonald said. “He is a man unlike any I have ever seen that is so sensitive to God in the sense that he is trying his best — and he may not do it correctly all the time, he’s never going to get right all the time — but Amanda, he’s trying. I see it in him. He’s trying so hard to listen to God.”

McDonald went on to claim that Trump is sensitive to God.

“He’s trying so hard to listen to God and let God rule through him in the nation,” he said. “We’ve never had a president, going all the way back to George Washington, even the early presidents were not as sensitive to God as this one is.”

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Megan Hamilton

Megan Hamilton has traveled extensively throughout the Southern United States, Mexico, and parts of Central America. A lifelong atheist, these travels have informed her political views. She currently lives in a remote location with a large herd of cats and four dogs.