It was an ugly scene. Trump, standing at the podium, looks on as his pitchforked followers chant “Send her back” over and over again, referring to progressive congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who was originally born in Somalia.
Now, some Christians are finally speaking out against the ugly spectacle that took place in North Carolina last week. Oh — did you think they were finally speaking out against a mob of people gathered at a political rally chanting for a woman of color to go back to where she came from? Nah. They’re just miffed that Trump used the Lord’s name in vain, twice.
“You are going to support me because you are a rich guy, and if you don’t support me, you are going to be so Goddamn poor,” Trump quipped at one point during his speech.
It was just a step too far for West Virginia conservative Democratic senator Paul Hardesty, who is a vocal Trump supporter. As The Charlotte Observer points out, Hardesty was so offended by the slur that he fired off a letter to the White House voicing his displeasure.
After making sure to mention that he’s an unwavering Trump supporter, Hardesty wrote that he was “appalled” by the fact that Trump “chose to use the Lord’s name in vain on two separate occasions…”
“There is no place in society — anywhere, any place and at any time — where that type of language should be used or handled,” he letter stated. “Your comments were not presidential.”
Not a single mention of the ugly scene and Trump’s apparent approval.
The Friendly Atheist‘s Hemant Mehta found a few more examples of Christians taking exception to Trump’s remarks. Again, not a single mention of the mob.
Love you Mr. President but please stop using the Lord’s name in vain.#Trump2020 #MAGA2020
— CarolJShaw (@CarolJShaw1) July 18, 2019
I was very disappointed that you felt the need to use the Lord’s name in vain at last nights rally. you are better than this and I pray you will never do it again, otherwise I have no choice as a conservative Christian than to no longer support you. Please apologize to everyone.
— birdseye54 (@RobinCh43620196) July 18, 2019
Mr. President, please do not take the Lord’s name in vain. Lots of your supporters are unhappy about it
— Rolling Stop (@RollingStop9) July 18, 2019
Great Rally last night, except when you said “G@& D@&$@“. When you say those words then say things like putting God back in the USA, it is a contradiction. Please don’t take the Lord’s name in vain… Thanks
— Shelly Starkey (@StarkeyShelly) July 18, 2019
Please don’t us the Lord’s name in vain. I support you Mr President but we do not need to hear that.
— Kevin Smith (@huskersmith1) July 18, 2019
I have been a supporter since the 2016 election..I voted for you then and really want to in 2020..but please stop taking the Lord’s name in vain. It is extremely offensive to Christians, my husband and I had to turn the tv off. Please stop
— Sherri (@SherriSevert5) July 18, 2019
Please Mr President stop taking the Lord’s name in vain. Please. I really care about you being President, but a lot of Christians will not be able to vote for you if you continue this practice.
— Carolyn Auterino (@auterino) July 18, 2019
Priorities, people.
Featured image via screen grab/YouTube