Ardent End Times pastor Jim Bakker has often claimed the world will end if President Donald Trump isn’t reelected. He’s claimed Trump’s election resulted in a drop of the number of earthquakes and that liberals are trying to outlaw Christmas. Now, as host of The Jim Bakker Show, he’s claiming that if you don’t love Trump, you’re not “saved.”
“Trump is a test whether you’re even saved,” Bakker said. “Only saved people can love Trump. You’ve got to be really saved, you’ve got to be able to forgive. You forgive when you’re saved.”
In December broadcast of his television show, he claimed that efforts to impeach Trump were unconstitutional. He singled out the yet-to-be-named whistleblower who helped fuel the impeachment efforts.
“Somebody is lying,” he said. “If they’re not lying, they’re somebody stupid. You can’t try to impeach a president on the word of somebody you don’t know who it is.”
He concluded the efforts were unconstitutional and implored his audience to raise their hands if they agreed.
“I want the government to see this. These are voters. Everyone in this room — it’s 100 percent — say it’s unconstitutional to do what they’re doing.”
He’s also claimed that God’s retribution against those who oppose Trump won’t be pretty. Because America is “in a war against God.”
“There is going to be an explosion if you don’t stop it,” he said. “People are not going to tolerate it anymore … I wouldn’t even be surprised if you didn’t see quiet old ladies, like some of you sitting here, marching in the streets, because America is not even going to be worth living in, in another year or two, the way we’re going if we’re not careful. We can’t let people take over who hate God.”
Watch Bakker’s most recent comments below, via Right Wing Watch:
Jim Bakker declares that supporting Trump "is a test [of] whether you are even saved."
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) January 6, 2020
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