As conservatives attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘s recent comparison of ICE detention centers to “concentration camps,” she’s getting support from a high-profile conservative on...
A Walgreens pharmacist in Albuquerque, NM refused to sell a prescription used for birth control due to his religious beliefs.
During an interview with MSNBC's Joy Reid, an anti-abortion advocate revealed that in her ideal world, not only would abortion be illegal...
Wayne Allen Root LOVES Donald Trump. Aside from claiming to be in frequent contact with the GOP nominee, he’s a major organizer...
When Melanie Jones sought medical care to treat a bleeding dislodged IUD, she didn’t expect to be turned away by her health...
Can you name any historical figures who helped Planned Parenthood kick off its first fundraising campaign back in 1947? If you first...
Matt Bors has quite a talent for framing things in a brilliantly ironic way, and the recent debate surrounding SCOTUS's Hobby Lobby...
More audio from undercover footage of pro-life-operated “crisis pregnancy centers” has been released, showing that the clinics are continuing to spread gross...