During a contentious exchange at a Wednesday hearing to discuss gun violence in America, Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) accused gun rights advocate...
In a formal resolution adopted this Tuesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors labeled the nation’s most prominent gun rights group a...
Nutbag conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles has a new take on collusion with Russia.
Marsha Blackburn reminds us that yet again, Republicans will maintain the status quo in the wake of a deadly mass shooting.
In a lawsuit, the NRA says it's in extreme financial jeopardy -- which could render it "unable to exist."
A country music star is getting heat from fans for daring to say something critical about the NRA.
When former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke went on a six-day trip to Russia in 2015, a group founded by a now-accused...
Gun rights advocates are feeling betrayed by governor Phil Scott.
Well played, David Hogg.
Fred Guttenberg's daughter was killed in the Florida school shooting. Now he wants to know why politicians are letting the NRA freely...