Alternative Facts

Trump supporters cite ‘Bowling Green Massacre’ as justification for Muslim ban

According to a new PPP poll targeting Trump supporters, at least half of them justify the President’s executive order banning travelers from seven Muslim majority countries by citing the non-existent “Bowling Green Massacre.”

Public Policy Polling asked 712 Trump supporters if they agreed or disagreed with the following statement: “The Bowling Green massacre shows why we need Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration.” The results showed that 51 percent believed Kellyanne Conway’s imaginary terror attack justified the ban.

From Mediaite:

The poll also found that 48% of voters think Trump’s order is a “Muslim ban,” even as the administration has tried distancing itself from that characterization. Other indications suggest that 66% of Americans think the travel ban was poorly executed, with 49% of voters opposing the measure altogether.

In an effort to defend Trump’s Muslim ban in a February 2 MSNBC interview, Conway referenced a supposed terrorist attack in Bowling Green, Kentucky committed by Iraqi refugees.

Conway insisted that “most people don’t know [about it] because it didn’t get covered,” despite the reality that “most people” don’t know about it because it never happened.

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