Jim Bakker: America is so evil, I could be ‘murdered in the street’ for wearing a MAGA hat

Needless to say, Christian televangelist and apocalyptic doomsday prepper Jim Bakker is not exactly credible,…

Veterans groups slam Trump: ‘The White House is openly showing blatant disrespect’ to John McCain

In the wake of John McCain's death, veterans groups are calling on President Trump to…

Top U.S. student loan watchdog quits, says Trump cares more about ‘powerful financial companies’ than students

According to a breaking news report from the Associated Press, the nation's most senior official…

Trump colors the American flag wrong during visit to Ohio children’s hospital

During a visit to an Ohio children's hospital this Friday, President Trump and First Lady…

Geraldo slams Fox’s coverage of Mollie Tibbetts: ‘This is a murder story, not an immigration story’

As the murder of Mollie Tibbetts and the arrest of her alleged killer dominate the headlines, it’s…

Conservative radio host blames Molly Tibbetts for her own murder: ‘Why were you jogging outdoors?’

Aside from his obsession with pro-Trump conspiracy theories, Wayne Allen Root has a history of…

Mollie Tibbetts’ family condemns conservatives using her murder to demonize immigrants

As the murder of Mollie Tibbetts and the arrest of her alleged killer dominate the…

C-SPAN caller to Sebastian Gorka: ‘I’m looking forward to you being exposed as a treasonous bitch’

Former top White House aide Sebastian Gorka was on the receiving end of some invective…

Relative of Mollie Tibbetts tweets at Candace Owens: ‘Stop using my cousin’s death as political propaganda’

In a series of tweets this Tuesday, conservative spokesperson and vocal Trump supporter Candace Owens…

Activists blast the words ‘Guilty’ and ‘Criminal’ above entrance to Trump Hotel

On the heels of a rough Tuesday for two former members of President Trump's inner…