In an effort to justify the ban on immigration from Muslim-majority countries signed off on by President Trump, chief Trump spokesperson Kellyanne...
On Sunday, President Donald Trump authorized the first military raid of his presidency on a branch of al Qaeda in Yemen. The...
On Sunday, an attack on a mosque in Quebec resulted in six fatalities, and new details about the victims are beginning to...
A classified Federal Bureau of Investigation 2015 counterterrorism policy guide reveals that white supremacists and right-wing extremists have actively worked their way...
Countless celebrities from Scarlett Johansson and Barbara Streisand to Miley Cyrus and Beyonce participated in the Women's March last Saturday in an...
On Friday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, justifiably stirring up controversy as many observed...
On Friday, anti-choice activists took to the streets for a march to oppose abortion rights one week after the nationwide Women's March...
American city mayors from big cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, to smaller cities like New Haven, Syracuse and...
Friday marked the inauguration of President Donald Trump, and the media was quick to point out a few noticeable differences between Trump's...
Comedian and Real Time host Bill Maher offered a mouthful of fairly confusing words on Donald Trump Thursday evening, simultaneously calling Trump...