On Current TV’s The Young Turks Wednesday night, host Cenk Uygur had on as a guest Gawker.com writer Max Read, in which...
Revisiting the fear-mongering that has surrounded the Arab news network Al Jazeera since 9/11, a Fox News segment on Wednesday warned that...
Sen. John McCain had a testy exchange with constituents at a town hall in Tucson on Tuesday in regards to his support...
On Fox News this Monday night, Bill O’Reilly hosted his former colleague Glenn Beck to discuss excerpts from a U.S. Department of...
In light of the recent suicide of country star Mindy McCready, criticisms of Dr. Drew Pinsky spread across the Internet almost as...
In the strange evolution of the Benghazi debate, it seems as though many mainstream conservative figures have settled for unproven conspiracy theories...
On Sunday, ABC News host Jonathan Karl accused Rep. Paul Ryan of hypocrisy because he slammed President Barack Obama for the automatic...
In an interesting exchange on Fox News Sunday, author and veteran journalist Bob Woodward blasted Republican strategist Karl Rove for creating a...
After President Barack Obama warned Congress during his State of the Union speech that the victims of gun violence “deserve a vote”...
Shocking many of his friends on the left, professor Cornel West on Tavis Smiley’s radio show drew comparisons between President Barack Obama...