As the founder of King Jesus International Ministry, Guillermo Maldonado is associated with a number of “dominionist” and so-called “apostles,” including self-appointed “prophet” Lance Wallnau, and he’s part of the Evangelicals for Trump campaign which kicks off in Miami, Florida on Friday. On his website, Maldonado claims his church is “one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States,” according to Right Wing Watch.
Like his fellow Trump-supporting evangelicals, Maldonado believes Trump is a harbinger of the End Times, raised by God to mark the second coming of Christ. At the 2019 Global Prophetic Summit, which was hosted by Jacobs’ Generals International in November, he said God had told him:
“America, I have prepared this time, I have raised somebody in office to open the doors for my gospels.”
He warned that the time is ripe for a civil war in the United States.
“The Lord showed me what is going to happen in America,” Maldonado said. “The Lord said ‘What you saw, there’s a white horse that has been released upon the earth of civil wars,’ and then he said ‘That horse is coming upon America.'”
Like other evangelicals, Maldonado has been welcomed into the Trump White House on at least two occasions. Claiming that he is the “spiritual father” to hundreds of churches worldwide “which form the Network of the Supernatural Movement.” He also founded “the University of the Supernatural Ministry.” On his program, “The Supernatural Now,” which is carried by two Christian television networks, he’s preached about spiritual warfare, claiming at one point that demonic activity is on the rise as the End Times approach.
“In this house, I am training you to be militant,” he said, adding that people had better pray to God to help them hate the Devil and his works.
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