Sad, but hardly shocking.
John McCain is calling out Trump for giving Vladmir Putin a pass.
Steven Seagal is a fraud. His martial arts skill is a fraud. His bravado is a fraud. And his patriotism is a...
During his Fox News show this Tuesday, host Tucker Carlson got visibly upset when guest Ralph Peters compared him to aviator Charles...
When Obama heard the intelligence in August, 2016, his administration struggled with what the response should be because they didn't want to...
Posting to her Facebook page, Stein acknowledged the photo and gave an explanation as to what she was doing there.
Comedian and Real Time host Bill Maher offered a mouthful of fairly confusing words on Donald Trump Thursday evening, simultaneously calling Trump...
In the wake of Donald Trump's surge to the presidency, there's been widespread speculation regarding his alleged ties to Russia, especially in...
During an MSNBC panel this weekend, the topic of discussion was a Christmas letter from Russian President Vladimir Putin to president-elect Donald...
Alec Baldwin is back on Saturday Night Live and he's still killing it with his Donald Trump impression.