
Christian TV host who thinks Pokémon Go characters are ‘cyber demons’ says AOC is ‘not mentally stable’

Rick WilesTruNews TV program is a literal case study in paranoid and delusional thinking. He thinks former President Obama was “inspired by Lucifer.” He warned that the military would round up Democrats and charge them as “subversives” if they opposed Trump’s border wall. He warned about an impending ice age that would wipe out Planned Parenthood. He claimed that Christine Blasey Ford was “triggered” by a CIA mind control program. He theorized that Pokémon Go characters are “virtual cyber demons” … the list goes on.

But Wiles wants you to know that he’s not the crazy one. In fact, it’s New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who should be “locked up.”

On his show this Monday, Wiles railed against AOC with an incredulous look on his face. The man who once said the NFL protests were a communist plot orchestrated by Obama just doesn’t why everyone’s still talking about her.

“America has become one gigantic insane asylum,” Wiles declared without a hint of irony in a video flagged by Right Wing Watch.

“And for you and I to just engage in their conversation, like this whacked-out socialist congresswoman, Ocasia … what’s her name?” Wiles said. “She’s crazy!”

“She’s not mentally stable,” he continued. “Why are we having conversations about her? The fact that you talk about her and talk about her ideas, you’re just as crazy.”

…says the man who once declared that he stands with Russia because “the people in control of America are Satanists.”

“[AOC’s] insanity is causing sane people to waste brain energy and time discussing insanity,” Wiles concluded.

I’ll never get back the brain energy and time it took me to write this article.


Featured image via screen grab (TruNews/MSNBC)

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