One of InfoWars' most prominent conspiracy theorists just lost his YouTube channel.
You may not be surprised to hear that Alex Jones allegedly runs a toxic and predatory work environment.
Alex Jones is getting bullied by a 17-year-old.
The right-wing conspiracist freakout over Barack Obama's presidential portrait continues.
Sean Hannity's process when it comes to sourcing content for his website has the intellectual integrity of a 3rd grader.
If you want to convince people you're not a conspiracy theorist, cozying up to Alex Jones isn't exactly the best way to...
Alex Jones wants you to know that the real colluder with Russians is Robert Mueller.
Alt-right trolls got busted faking a sign during a protest at Columbia University.
Unfortunately, there are no video of InfoWars reporters getting punched in the face, but this is the closest we can get for...
This Friday, InfoWars host and nutbag conspiracy theorist Alex Jones took to the streets of Seattle to run around and harass pedestrians...