Christian TV host: If liberals are not ‘put down,’ they’ll put conservatives in ‘concentration camps’

"We're in a communist revolution," Rick Wiles said on his TruNews TV program this Wednesday…

Christian TV host who thinks Pokémon Go characters are ‘cyber demons’ says AOC is ‘not mentally stable’

Rick Wiles' TruNews TV program is a literal case study in paranoid and delusional thinking.…

Christian TV host: If Democrats oppose Trump’s wall, the military will ’round them up as subversives’

Rick Wiles has played himself once again, but of course he doesn't realize it. The…

Christian TV host: Democrats colluded with Russia to take down the NRA

Rick Wiles has quite a rolodex of absurd conspiracy theories designed to provide cover for…

Christian TV host: A new ‘ice age’ is coming, but that’s good because it’ll kill porn and Planned Parenthood

When it comes to bizarre predictions that never come to pass, the pro-Trump Christian cult…

After the MAGA Bomber and Pittsburgh, Christian TV host says ‘the left’ needs to tone down their rhetoric

On this TruNews TV show this Monday, right-wing Christian broadcaster and peddler of crackpot conspiracy…

Christian TV host: If Dems win the midterms, they’ll ‘burn down churches and kill thousands of Christians’

Along with disseminating bizarre and religiously apocalyptic conspiracy theories, Rick Wiles likes to make predictions…

Christian TV host: ‘George Soros is an enemy of the state who should be arrested’

As conspiracy theories surrounding the billionaire liberal philanthropist and investor George Soros reach a fever…

Christian TV host: Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations were ‘triggered’ by CIA mind control program

Far-right Christian TV host Rick Wiles has a *unique* take on politics and current events.…

Far-right Christian conspiracy theorist on Alex Jones: ‘He’s either an actor or seriously mentally ill’

Rick Wiles is not exactly a guy who has a deference for fact-based reporting. He's…